Good morning everybody, it's monday!!!! And what monday morning I had already.....We woke up this morning just as the school bus drove past our driveway without the kids in it because they were still sleeping!!! I stumble downstairs screaming (gently) at the kids to hurry up and get dressed and ready for school cause we were really really reaaaally late. I made breakfast and lunch boxes at the same time while dressing my little one, who apparently had a problem with the shirt I choose for her, because it didn't match her pants!!! they were jeans for Heaven's sake anything go with jeans...but no try to argue with a hard headed 5 year old..craaaazyyyy. Finally in 15 minutes everybody was in the car and ready to roll, and thank goodness we made it on time to the drop off, otherwise everybody would have seen me in my flannel pj's and furry boots at he principal office to sign in the kids, what a sight it would have been!!!
Now for the menu, this week hubby is away for some training for his work, so it's going to be a breeze for me to plan a menu for the kids and me. No fancy schmancy meals until friday when the big guy comes back from his training. This is what a came up with.
Monday : Quiche lorraine and green beans
Tuesday : the kids asked for the croque monsieur
Wednesday : I invited a friend over who's hubby is also away, so I was planning on a big roasted chicken, with I don't know what yet...
Thursday : Chicken noodle soup with the leftover chicken from the night before
Friday : The man is back so I'm planning Short ribs in tomato sauce
Saturday/Sunday : My husband wants to cook so it's probably going to be BBQ or maybe a pasta dish from his invention!!!
I hope you all enjoy your week, it looks like it's going to snow again over here!!! for a change...TA TA.
15 minutes to get everyone ready!! Wow!! You are GOOD :))) Have a great week, Fatiha!
Yep Emmy 15 min. a record for me and the kids who went along with it!!!
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